Evaluation – Media company logo.

To come to my final logo design I did quite a bit of primary and secondary research to get ideas for my logo design to help me link it to the themes I have chosen, which are family and comedy.

The primary research included doing a questionnaire for the other students in my class to complete . We asked question’s to do with our theme that we chose. I chose the theme family and comedy, therefore, the kind of questions I asked were based around my theme and what kind of things they would expect to see from my logo for example one of the questions I asked was “What colors do you associate with family?” and 100% answered with bright. In my logo you can see that I have took advantage of my survey and used bright colors.

For my secondary research one of the tasks included doing a focus group as a class. In this task we had to come up with approximately 4 or 5 questions to do with the theme that we chose. This task was, in some way, very helpful to each of us as we got different answers from each individual person. Although, I don’t think these helped me come up with my final outcome as I didn’t ask the right kind of questions to help with my logo design.

We looked at many logos such as Walt Disney, Warner Brothers, Paramount, Dream Works etc. Also, we got shown logos that other students have made from previous years, I got inspiration from one of these logos. The design I liked about the logos that we got shown is that the majority of them used initials such as ‘BP animations’ and this is where I got my idea of using the initials in my logo. Then another one we got shown was one with a smile as the main design which made me decide on including a smiley face on the ‘O’ in studios.

The software that I used to design my logo was Photoshop and paint. I have used many techniques such as the gradient tool, the other techniques I have used are shown in the progression section of how I got to the final outcome of my logo. Furthermore, the tool that was the most successful was the gradient tool because my idea was for the background was to blend the colors together.

In the ‘studios’ of my final outcome, interacts with the audience because the ‘O’ is a smiley face which symbolizes the comedy theme therefore, the people who see my logo will hopefully recognize as a link to comedy because it will make them smile seeing the unique face on my logo design.

I think that my final outcome is successful because my design follows my initial idea the think that changed from my initial idea is the M.J as my first idea was to have them an orange color but as I went along I decided to change the M.J to a green color so it blends in with the background.

I have learnt many things from this project such as using different tools and techniques in Photoshop and paint. Also, I have learnt that you have to do a lot of research to get to a final idea of what you would like your logo to look like.

I don’t think I need to have done things differently to make my project more successful other than researching up more on family themed logos as that was my main theme because I feel like I researched more on comedy theme so I then focused more on that instead.

In my opinion I would say I met the requirements of the project brief as I did my research on themes and logos that already exist and I also did 3 different plans for my logo design and got feedback of my class on what they liked about the three different designs. Then finally I created my logo on Photoshop.

Overall, I am really impressed with my final outcome of my logo. The thing that I like the most is the smile that is on the ‘O’ on ‘STUDIOS’ as I think it has made my logo very unique and eye catching.

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